Book inspired Halloween costumes

This week, several friends sent me a photo of a little girl dressed up as a book fairy. Her wings were made from an open hard cover book. Her skirt was made from lose book pages. The costume was brilliant, and I wish I was going to a Halloween party just to be a book fairy. The fact that multiple friends sent me the same image made me happy…they know me well.

This got me thinking about other bookish Halloween costumes. I know I originally said I would write about ways to bring books alive, and I will cover that more soon, although I think Halloween costumes are a perfect way to make a book come alive for a child (or teen, adult, pet, anyone). Dress up as your favorite character whether they are from a movie, cartoon, book, or comic book.

If a child likes a book series, what better way to get them even more excited about reading more in the series then for them to dress up as that character. We often see Harry Potter and Hermione, and I love that children love the characters so much that they choose to dress up like them. In our house, costumes have been some very popular book characters and some more obscure. Some of my favorite book character costumes from our Halloweens past include Gerald from the Mo Willems “Elephant & Piggie” books, a borrowed Sophie Foster costume from Shannon Messenger’s “Keeper of the Lost Cities” series (and yes, we had a friend who happened to have that costume), Katniss Everdeen from Suzanne Collins’ “The Hunger Games,” and a group costume consisting of Hermione, Harry’s Owl (carrying a copy of the Daily Prophet), and Doby.

Some characters are challenging because their costumes look like regular clothes, so how do you identify it as a costume? Fear not, it is still possible. For many of our book costumes, I made a trick or treat bag. I picked up a package of plain white cloth bags and printer transfer paper. Print a full sheet book cover onto your transfer paper and iron it onto the bag. It’s simple (although read the instructions to see if you need to flip the image before printing so you don’t have a backwards book cover). Easiest way to immediately identify that the child is dressed up as their favorite book character, and that bag will likely become a favorite little book tote bag.

I can’t wait to see all the costumes, especially the book inspired ones this Halloween. If you dressed up as a book character, be sure to share a picture. I’d love to see it!

“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” continues through “The Hollow Trilogy”

Last year, at the Ridgefield Library book sale, I picked up a YA book that takes place in Sleepy Hollow and the author weaves “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” through the story. The book was part of “The Hollow Trilogy” by Jessica Verday (and actually was book 2 but I’m ok with starting in the middle and going back to book 1 later).

The trilogy takes place in the town of Sleepy Hollow. Abbey’s best friend, Kristen, disappears the Headless Horseman Bridge near the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery. While everyone believes Kristen is dead, Abbey believes there is something they don’t know about what happened to Kristen. A mysterious young man, Caspian, shows up at Kristen’s funeral. Caspian has secrets but despite those secrets, he makes Abbey feel somewhat normal, until she finds out all that he is hiding. Caspian, along with other characters we meet, has ties to “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”…close ties, really close ties.

The book has a bit of a “Twilight” meets “Legend of Sleepy Hollow” feel to it (minus vampires). What I loved about this YA series is how well Verday incorporated Sleepy Hollow into the book. Having visited the cemetery and the Old Dutch Church, I wanted accuracy in the setting and she achieved that. Abbey would often visit Washington Irving’s grave. I appreciated how well those scenes were written.

I love books that have local landmarks in them. I love seeing the story take place someplace I can literally picture in my mind, and I really love when the author does a great job using those actual locations. This trilogy is a great October read for YA readers. Read the book and visit Sleepy Hollow. Walk the paths behind the Old Dutch Church through Sleepy Hollow Cemetery and feel the book come alive around you. Any time we can experience books in multiple ways, it makes the readers more excited about reading. Check back in next week and I’ll discuss more ways we can have a multi-sensory approach to experiencing great books!

I’m back with a Halloween read

It’s been a while and I’ve missed sharing children’s books with all of you. For those new here, I write about favorite children’s and YA books (and why I think adults should read them too!). You may wonder why children’s and YA books. I have so many good memories of being read to as a child, reading books myself, and visiting my favorite characters in books. I love revisiting favorite childhood books and finding new amazing books to share.

Now that we are close to Halloween (my favorite holiday), I’m enjoying Halloween books. One book I love to reread this time of year is Washington Irving’s “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” It’s just scary enough without bringing on nightmares for a chicken like me.

I especially love that the story is local. I always enjoy when we can share books with children and bring them to life. The legend takes place in Sleepy Hollow, NY, a short drive from here. After reading the book with your child, visit Washington Irving’s home, Sunnyside or stop by the Old Dutch Church (yes, it is still standing) and while there you can visit Washington Irving’s grave out back. While there, cross the headless horseman’s bridge. To walk the steps of the story brings it to life in a whole new way. I have such great memories of my mom taking me to Sleepy Hollow and walking the same path Ichabod Crane walked in the legend.

I found an old copy of the legend on vinyl which is equally amazing. If you want more ways to bring it to life after reading, the old Disney cartoon is available on Disney+. For older readers, also check out Tim Burton’s “Sleepy Hollow.”

Check back in next week when I share my favorite YA book that builds off of “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.”

The power of words

Words are powerful. They are a way to communicate, to share, to express, to request. When toddlers point at a desired item, they often hear “use your words.” They learn from an early age that words give them power to express what they want and need.

I read something recently that suggested that children who are read to may associate books and words with feelings of love. They hear loved ones read to them. They see the books that are being read. Words and books are tied to feelings of connection to others which may be why our favorite children’s books hold such strong feelings.

Growing up, I don’t remember anyone telling me words were powerful, but it was something I just understood. Perhaps from so much reading and listening to books being read to me, I knew words could make a difference because I got so much out of the books I read. I turned to words to visit beloved characters, but I also turned to my own words.

I wrote stories. I kept journals. I wrote letters. I wrote notes. I wrote down powerful words from books so I would remember them. I liked big words. I liked words that sounded funny. I became interested in all ways of communicating. I remember desperately wanting to learn braille and my mom finding a place in California where she was able to get me instructions to learn.

So when I was unhappy about something, I realized I could write and express my thoughts. I wrote to Lego as a child. I wanted to see more playsets in addition to the space ones that were popular at the time. I offered them ideas in exchange for legos. They didn’t take me up on the offer, but it didn’t deter me. When I used my own money to buy a bag of chips to share with a friend and found they didn’t have the seasoning on them they were supposed to, I wasn’t going to settle. So at 11, I wrote to the company and expressed my disappointment and they listened. They actually wrote back and apologized and gave me a coupon for a new bag of chips (and that one was properly seasoned).

While unseasoned chips aren’t exactly the end of the world, it was a big deal to me, and being heard and receiving a response showed me that my words had power. I love words. I love that the words that I use in ordinary conversation are the same ones Is find inside incredible books strung together telling magical stories. They are powerful. The same words I use every day can be used to impact others, to express feelings, to make change….words are powerful.

So now I invite you to share great words with me. What books changed your life? What books took words and made a difference?

The one and only bob

Last week, Katherine Applegate released “The One and Only Bob” which follows Bob, the dog, from “The One and Only Ivan.” Ivan became one of my favorite characters and I wasn’t sure what to expect as we journeyed into Bob’s story.

If you haven’t read “The One and Only Ivan,” it is based on the true story of a gorilla named Ivan who spent over 20 years living in a cage in a shopping mall. The story is told from Ivan’s perspective. When I first read it, it was my first encounter with a story in “first person gorilla” but Applegate managed to capture this trapped gorilla’s voice in a way that was both authentic and believable.

In “The One and Only Ivan,” Bob, a stray dog, finds his way into the mall searching for food and squeezes himself into the gorilla cage to steal a piece of banana. He succeeds but also finds a friend in Ivan. He remains at the mall with Ivan and Ruby, an elephant also held in a cage in the mall, until rescuers save the gorilla and elephant.

One of the employees, whose daughter Julia often visited Ivan, Ruby, and Bob, takes Bob home and he becomes a part of their family. We begin “The One and Only Bob” with Bob living with Julia and her family. Julia’s dad has a job at the animal sanctuary where Ivan and Ruby now live and Julia and Bob are able to visit them often.

Bob is a tough little dog who had a rough life prior to living with Julia’s family. The entire story is told from his perspective. While Applegate captured the voice of Ivan so brilliantly, she managed to capture the very different, but equally entertaining, voice of Bob perfectly. Bob shares his view of the world as only a dog could see it.

While I read and found myself laughing out loud at times, it was this passage that made me realize Bob’s view of the world was more than just sharing his story, it was words of wisdom from a smart little dog.

Dogs ain’t perfect. But I’ll tell you one thing where we rule: tolerance.

For us, a dog is a dog is a dog. I see a Great Dane, I say howdy. I run into a puggle, it”s Glad to meet ya, how’s it goin’, smelled any good pee lately?

Go to a dog park and you’ll see. We are equal opportunity playful. You sniff my rear, I sniff yours.

You don’t see that with humans, obvious.y Constantly seeing differences where none exist. All those things like skin color? Dogs could care less. You think I won’t hang with a dalmatia ’cause he’s spotted? Or a sharpei ’cause she’s wrinkled?

I’m not saying I love every dog I meet. (Snickers comes to mind.)

But I’ll always give a dog the benefit of the doubt. Life is short. Play is good. And there are plenty of tennis balls to go around.

While it is challenging for many second books to live up to the first, “The One and Only Bob” is a great second book. Applegate’s talent for bringing animal voices to life is incredible and believable. Pick up a copy of “The One and Only Bob” to see what happens with all the incredible characters in “The One and Only Ivan.” You will laugh, you may shed a tear, you will be reminded of the importance of true friendship and perseverance.